Recent Experiences of Hawaii particpants

Gratitude Sharings

I have not shed my tears like that in a while, but they were not tears of sadness -- they were the tears of sweet sorrow, divine joy, or infinite bliss. This is the best way I can describe it with plain words. Laurie finds what each individual needs and assists us each in coming to the love.
~ Waldemar
Thank you Waldemar for taking yourself to the love and allowing me to play a little part, You have taken me to the love.
Thank you for being the Mother, Laurie. When softness is needed you are soft. When I need a kick, you kick in a powerful way. I have found myself in a new way I could have never of predicted. I am in love. In each situation I am in love.I choose to keep returning to myself within, in the challenges among family.
~ Maryam
Thank you Maryam for reflecting the Divine Mother and helping me to feel the Divine Mother. If I could play a little part in your life I am fortunate.

Thank you for honoring me in so many ways, Laurie. You have loved me in a deep way. I wish to honor and love you. We all went through very deep waters, and came out more connected and real. I now feel more connection with people in my heart; my community, my family, in a very grounded way. That is very new and special to me. So, it was quite profound what was uncovered, released and revealed for me to work with on the Satsang trip. I had many very special and opening moments with everyone; it was the deepest journey with your groups that I've known. The white owl who approached me in Molokai was a special sign for me, about how sacred our connection is through the lemurian energies, and how we do have that purpose to hold these frequencies on the planet. I also truly missed all of you after you left, and now I realize the deeper purpose of who comes to these seminars...the soul vibrations we all share are very much what I would consider core family. Thank you, for persevering in and amongst so much pelikia and pain, confusion and drama over the years to hold space for us to be together and do this healing work with each other. It is worth it! Lots of love and thanks to you Laurie. :)
~ Erin
Erin, you have been my sister, teacher and guide in many ways for many years as are your husband and your little one. I am in reverence to you. You take me to God. The participants are blessed in your presence and for this I give great thanks.

Hi Laurie!!
I miss you and our little lovely family. Life is so wonderful. I am so grateful. Awesomeness. I love Hawaii! I love the masters. I love! I love. I told my friend Masha some of what happened for me, and was moved to tears all over again. All is so well.
Thank you for the magic and one of the best 2 weeks in my life EVER.

I wrote this to share with people:
On Maui, the third island on my trip to Hawaii with Laurie Moore, our group was so connected! It felt like we were our own little village. In a village, you have your lady who likes to sit and watch the birds. And you have your guy who likes his tea at that particular table. And everyone in the village loves their various people who have their various quirks. It makes the village what it is, to have those people doing what they do, and everyone accepts them and loves them for it. In our group, I felt so safe, so loved, being whatever way I am, doing whatever I cared to do. And I was so loving of every way that anyone cared to be. Waldemar loves coconuts. Yes, he’s our guy who loves coconuts, in our Hawaii village! And so, when Rachel went to town, she came back with a coconut, and put it in his suitcase as a surprise, because we all know he loves coconuts. Never in my life have I experienced more honor of each person, and more safety and fun inside of this – I finally understand what family can really be, what a joy it is to be joyfully received, and to joyfully receive others.
~ Lesley
Lesley, you are one who brings me to humanness again and again, bypassing all facades and reminding me to be intricately honest about what I am in God’s design. Thank you for being my guide.

Thank you for being so authentic and showing us how human and real you are. You openly share your human experience in a way that gives us all permission to be human.
Rebecca was my mirror and I had to see in her what I had to work out in myself.
~ Birgit

Birgit: The honor and privilege is a blessing to me and it is mutual. I am delighted that you used the opportunity to face yourself, take full responsibility, cast no blame and make changes.
Laurie: Thank you for the endless love. You are always laughing and what I like so much is that throughout the Satsangs I hear your laugh!
~ Rachel

Rachel, Thank you for the endless love. Your tears opened my heart to God, Goddess, Buddha, Allah, Quan Yin, Quetzalcoatl, Magalene, Jesus, Higher Power, Infinite Love. Your tears cried for us all.
~ Laurie

I don’t want to leave this Satsang! I love you all.
~ Rebecca

Me either and me too!
~ Laurie

Dr. Laurie Moore, LMFT, CHT